Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making my weight loss a reality

 Day 2: Last night, after my walk on my closet........oh I mean treadmill, I thought to myself," what strategies am I going to use to help me obtain my long term weight loss goals?" After, some research I came across some helpful strategies and here they are:

       1. Make a commitment

                  The word "Commitment" alone means long term. It's just like a marriage and I want to treat this journey as such. I'm ready to make permanent changes in my life. I'm ready to stay focused on the mental and physical aspects of the long road ahead of me.


       2. Find your inner motivation   

  •  Feel comfortable in clothes

  •  Shop on the clearance rack at Forever 21

  •  I want to love summer again

  •  I want to have energy again without drinking energy drinks


     3. Set realistic goals

        Let's be realistic. This journey is going to be a challenge. If it was an easy one, then everyone would be thin and healthy, right? I would love to tell myself that I can lose 50 pounds in a month and that in just a few months my goals will be obtained. I would just get myself all worked up. I would probably workout hardcore for a full month. After that month when I step on that scale and it doesn't say 50 pounds lost, well I will most likely give up on myself. I don't want to do that to myself anymore. So here are my realistic goals for the present time:


    1) Walk for 30 minutes a day.

    2) Eat healthier. 

    3) Read labels on food.

    4) Water water and more water

    5) Lose 2-4 a week.

    6) Cook everyday. NO EXCUSES

                  *** Subject to change

    4. Enjoy healthier foods

          Well, Mikey and I have started making healthier choices on meals. Were slowly starting to make our won little recipes. We have the help from this app on the iphone and Android. It's called "MyNetDiary". It's really neat. It helps me hold myself accountable on my calorie intake. It also keeps track of recipes that we have made along with the Food Label. Awesome, huh!! I love it. This is when your commitment comes in. It is hard to keep track of everything you have eaten but I'm telling you it helps a TON!! We are learning as we go and the app helps us. 



    5. Get active, stay active

       Exercise + Calorie restriction= Weight loss ... "DUH"!

         I found that when I exercise it helps with my mood. If you are a part of my family then you have seen my mood in action! Exercising really does help relieve some stress. I'm not going to lie, it is hard to get off my butt and exercise. I copy Nike and I "Just do it!"


  6. Change your perspective

         I have dieted many times before and have succeeded. Obviously, I am right back where I started. Something didn't work, right? Well, as I go forward with this challenge, I am forced to look back and see why I failed to keep the weight off. 

There were many factors. Oh.....one day of fast food won't hurt me. Tons of snacks on lazy sundays. A cupcake here maybe a doughnut there....I'll work it off later, yeah right! What's one can of soda gonna do?? I'm too tired to workout tonight....I'll do double time tomorrow. All excuses!!

I am done with the excuses....HUGE cop-out!

My plan is to remain positive and most of all be honest with myself. Learn as I go and make this a long term weight loss success story :)





  1. well, I have found the diet and weight loss tracker that will help me. So far so good. Im not good at figuring out a menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It helps. You can take a look if you like. Sparkpeople.com. Im glad you started the fire!!

  2. Good luck ladies! I'm so proud of you guys for even taking that step. I will be following you on this journey Merc. Hopefully I can get motivated too! Coming from a girl who has been big for as far back as I can remember, its REALLY hard lose weight and beileve me I have tried! But it does make it a lot easier if you have support! So good luck, I'm here if you need me!

  3. Being a lighter person won't change your body shape, but it'll change your ability to be more active. This in turn will change your fitness level. Which in turn will motivate you to challenge your fitness level. This is the fuel you will need to get to your goal. 42 years of training and every day there's an excuse. Everybody has one. Better to do just it. DAD

  4. Better to just do it...............oops! your mom missed me up

  5. Totally right Dad! I am really trying this time.
