Monday, May 16, 2011

The beginning of my journey

   Day 1: Today, on May 16, 2011 my husband and I started our journey to thin. I have been on this journey many times before. I woke up this morning and said to myself that today is the day to start changing my life. Not, just to lose weight but to learn how to eat right on an everyday basis. After having four children my weight was put on the back burner. I didn't care anymore. Fast food became my BFF because it was much easier to go through a drive thru than to actually cook something. My mind set is, it will cost more to buy the food at the store than to just go out and eat. I wouldn't have a mess to clean or worry about wasting food. Totally done doing that! I know that this journey is NOT going to be easy. I want to be realistic this time.  I have been successful in the past but I always find myself back to where I started. I am tired of doing this! 

    I have become ashamed of the way I look. I just want to be able to shop at regular stores that don't cost an arm and a leg just to buy an outfit! I want to start feeling good about myself from the inside out ! Some days I feel like this sexy beast on the inside but when I look in the mirror, it's a whole different story! I'm like that girl that has a pretty face but doesn't have the body to match. Well, I am ready for this body to match my most gorgeous face! 

I need for everyone to know how serious I am this time.With all that I have said today, I need to be honest with myself and with everyone who reads this. I am going to give this my all. I will be bitchy sometimes and I will beg for me! Don't let me give in. Today, I weigh 226 lbs. Above is my beginning day picture. OMG....I can't believe I am putting myself out here like this! (totally blushing right now with embarrassment) . This is how serious I am!

I would like to extend the offer for any of my friends and family to join me. I would love to be able to call on someone when I feel like I am going to crash. I know I have my husband to be by my side but it would be fabulous to go on this journey as a group. I really want to be held accountable during my mission to kill body fat! Who's with me??


  1. So glad you guys wanna do this with me. Lets start today with a bit of exercise even if it's cleaning or taking a walk. Lets get that workout somehow incorporated in our day today! Not to be nasty or anything but you know SEX does burn calories !! Just sayin.....

  2. Really well written mercy, I live that you're blogging, it's helped me so much. I'm with you on this journey. Call, text or whatever anytime. What's your game plan? The good news is while this will be difficult, you and I both know you will get there. You re too strong of a person not to. Now is the time for you!

  3. Thanks Sophia. Better believe I will be calling you for advice.

  4. Mercy I'm so in with u!! U r so strong and I hope with all the support it will be easy on te tougher days! I lost a lot with medifast if u wanted to try it. It keeps it off to and I felt so good!

  5. Jennifer~ I have done Take shape for Life in the past and I did lose 20 lbs in a month. However; I can't use it anymore because of some health issues of mine. Plus, I just couldn't afford it. Thank you so much for your support. I look forward to keeping all of you posted on my journey :)
